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Reno Arch Lions Endorsed Charities...

Adopt a roadway
The Reno Arch volunteers their time in cleaning a one-mile stretch of North McCarren. This stretch starts at the corner of North Virginia and finds it way up the hill on McCarren along side Rancho San Rafeal Regional Park.
Camp Dat So La Lee
The camp is a district 4-N endorsed project located in the majestic Lamoille Canyon. The first camp was held in 1990 and since then over 700 campers have had the opportunity to attend a week long camp. The campers comprise of families of modest financial income who would not be able to afford an expensive private camp. The Reno Arch has the previlage to sponsor two campers every year and look forward of the tales. We also provide several camp assistants from our membership who attend the week long camp.
California / Nevada Lions Eye Foundation
The foundation mission is to preserve and restore the gift of sight by providing free ophthalmic examinations, operations, and medication to the less fortunate members of our community. Our club sponsors those members and assists in the logistics of getting the patient to the hospital.
Lions in Sight
Reno Arch Lions supports Lions in Sight the entity designated by Lions International as one of nine sanctioned recycling facilities in the world.  The glasses are analyzed through the Lions in Sight program in Vallejo, California, then made available to the needy in developing countries to solve vision deficits.  Reno Arch assists in operating a satellite recycling center here in Reno that collects and feeds glasses to Vallejo.
Washoe County Lions Sight Conservation
A cooperative program supported through the Cooridination Council of Lions Club in Reno and Sparks, the Lions Sight Conservation Committee provides free eye examinations and glasses for students and elderly who are financially disadvantaged. Referrals are made through school nurses and approved social program.
The Student Speaker Foundation District 46                                                The purpose of the Foundation is to provide scholarships to highschool students who excell in public speaking. Each year the foundation will issue a topic to be discussed.  The winners will move on throught four levels. Starting at the club level and progressing to the District level. This year the Foundation will provide scholarships totaling $5200.00 for the winning student.
Club Contest is Before Feb. 17
Zone Contest is Before Mar. 10
Region Contest is Before April 7
District Contest is Before April 28.
Truckee Meadows Kiddie Parks
A program that has been near and dear to the Reno Arch Lions is the local Kiddie parks. Through substantial contributions and in conjunction with the City Of Reno we are able to build and maintain local area kiddie parks. The flagship of parks currently is the Idlewild park. Our other parks include Whittaker Park, Teglia's Paradise Park,the playgrounds of Glenn Duncan Elementary, Lena Juniper Elementary and on the campus of University of Nevada Education Department.